
Table of Contents

Quick Start Example tutorial

$ mkdir -p ~/temp/hello
$ cd ~/temp/hello
$ go mod init temp/hello

go: creating new go.mod: module
package main

import (

func main() {
$ go build
$ ./hello

Hello, world.
module temp/hello

require v1.5.2

go.mod reference

All of the packages in a module share a common prefix – the module path. The go.mod file defines the module path via the module directive. For example, if you are defining a module for two packages and, the first line in your go.mod file typically would be module, and the corresponding on-disk structure could be:

├── go.mod
├── bar
│   └── bar.go
└── foo
    └── foo.go

Semantic Import Versioning discussion

Define a Module howto

Most projects will follow the simplest approach of using a single module per repository, which typically would mean creating one go.mod file located in the root directory of a repository.

go mod init
go mod init
go build ./...
go test ./...
go test all

Prepare for a Release howto

Opening keynote: Go with Versions - GopherConSG 2018 tutoral

Instead of changing the meaning of strings.Split(), introduce a new name for a new meaning.
Instead of changing the meaning of strings.Split(), introduce a new name for a new meaning.

Like the change from name to, people will get used to it.
Like the change from name to, people will get used to it.
Supporting the availabilty of a binary with the two same pacakge of different versions is really troublesome for authors. However, when it comes to the users of the package, not allowing it would be a real problem. Considering the fact that the users would generally outnumber the authors, we should not prevent using two same pacakges at once.
Supporting the availabilty of a binary with the two same pacakge of different versions is really troublesome for authors. However, when it comes to the users of the package, not allowing it would be a real problem. Considering the fact that the users would generally outnumber the authors, we should not prevent using two same pacakges at once.

Even though there are some lock files, but it is not going to work when the package with a lock file is used by another package.
Even though there are some lock files, but it is not going to work when the package with a lock file is used by another package.
vgo selects the minimum available version
vgo selects the minimum available version

The new D 1.6 released. For some reason, C 1.8 and D 1.6 do not work correctly. Regardless of which package caused the problem, users won't be affected by this Because C 1.8 has not yet released.
The new D 1.6 released. For some reason, C 1.8 and D 1.6 do not work correctly. Regardless of which package caused the problem, users won't be affected by this Because C 1.8 has not yet released.
Thanks to the minimum version policy, nothing is going to break.
Thanks to the minimum version policy, nothing is going to break.
Fix the bug, and release a newer version.
Fix the bug, and release a newer version.
On the other hand, with the traditional approach like dep uses, which picks the latest available version, the problematic C 1.8 and D. 1.6 combo will be exposed to users. So, to deal with this emergency situation, the author of C had to release another C 1.9 with the upper bound verson of D.
On the other hand, with the traditional approach like dep uses, which picks the latest available version, the problematic C 1.8 and D. 1.6 combo will be exposed to users. So, to deal with this emergency situation, the author of C had to release another C 1.9 with the upper bound verson of D.
The reasoning of the policy
  1. Packages should support backward minor-version compatibility.
  2. When there is a conflict, pick the minimum available version.
  3. Unless there is a version inconsistency, like cyclic dependencies or a situation in which the program cannot determine the minimum common version, even when some dependencies are updated, the compatibility and repeatability are maintained.