
Table of Contents

Based on Windows 10

I'm currently using Windows 10. Most notes are tested against it.

Run commands

shell:startup  # Startup folder


openvpn-gui.exe --connect "client.ovpn" --config_dir "C:\Users\Foo\Documents\protected_crypto_data"


Winodws X server for running Spacemacs.

I had been using Xming, but it hung occasionally. I found VcXsrv which is compiled with VC++ 2012, faster and more reliable.


"C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" -help
Vcxsrv [:<display>] [option]

    Vcxsrv runs as the given display-number, which defaults to 0.
    To run multiple instances, use unique display-numbers.

-silent-dup-error      Do not show fatal exit error mesage box
-a #                   default pointer acceleration (factor)
-ac                    disable access control restrictions
-audit int             set audit trail level
-auth file             select authorization file
-br                    create root window with black background
+bs                    enable any backing store support
-bs                    disable any backing store support
-cc int                default color visual class
-nocursor              disable the cursor
-core                  generate core dump on fatal error
-displayfd fd          file descriptor to write display number to when ready to connect
-dpi [auto|int]        screen resolution set to native or this dpi
-dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control
-deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs
-f #                   bell base (0-100)
-fc string             cursor font
-fn string             default font name
-fp string             default font path
-help                  prints message with these options
+iglx                  Allow creating indirect GLX contexts (default)
-iglx                  Prohibit creating indirect GLX contexts
-I                     ignore all remaining arguments
-maxclients n          set maximum number of clients (power of two)
-nolisten string       don't listen on protocol
-listen string         listen on protocol
-noreset               don't reset after last client exists
-background [none]     create root window with no background
-reset                 reset after last client exists
-pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports
-nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports
-r                     turns off auto-repeat
r                      turns on auto-repeat 
-render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy
-retro                 start with classic stipple
-seat string           seat to run on
-t #                   default pointer threshold (pixels/t)
-terminate             terminate at server reset
-to #                  connection time out
-tst                   disable testing extensions
-wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store
-wr                    create root window with white background
+xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension
-xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension
-dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling and threaded input, enable old behavior
-schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec
+extension name        Enable extension
-extension name        Disable extension
-query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP
-broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP
-multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP
-indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP
-port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to
-from local-address    specify the local address to connect from
-once                  Terminate server after one session
-class display-class   specify display class to send in manage
-cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP
-displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request
[+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
                       enable/disable accessx key sequences
-ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay
-arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval

VcXsrv Device Dependent Usage:

    Enable [disable] the clipboard integration. Default is enabled.
    [Do not] map the PRIMARY selection to the windows clipboard.
    The CLIPBOARD selection is always mapped if -clipboard is enabled.
    Default is mapped.
-clipupdates num_boxes
    Use a clipping region to constrain shadow update blits to
    the updated region when num_boxes, or more, are in the
    updated region.
-depth bits_per_pixel
    Specify an optional bitdepth to use in fullscreen mode
    with a DirectDraw engine.
-[no]emulate3buttons [timeout]
    Emulate 3 button mouse with an optional timeout in
-engine engine_type_id
    Override the server's automatically selected engine type:
        1 - Shadow GDI
        4 - Shadow DirectDraw4 Non-Locking
    Run the server in fullscreen mode.
    In multiwindow mode, add remote host names to window titles.
    Ignore keyboard and mouse input.
    Grab special Windows keypresses like Alt-Tab or the Menu key.
    Hide the windows mouse pointer when it is over any
    VcXsrv window.  This prevents ghost cursors appearing when
    the Windows cursor is drawn on top of the X cursor
-logfile filename
    Write log messages to <filename>.
-logverbose verbosity
    Set the verbosity of log messages. [NOTE: Only a few messages
    respect the settings yet]
        0 - only print fatal error.
        1 - print additional configuration information.
        2 - print additional runtime information [default].
        3 - print debugging and tracing information.
-[no]multimonitors or -[no]multiplemonitors
    Use the entire virtual screen if multiple
    monitors are present.
    Run the server in multi-window mode.
    Do not draw a window border, title bar, etc.  Windowed
    mode only.
    Do not use Unicode clipboard even if on a NT-based platform.
    When clipboard integration is enabled, map the X11 PRIMARY selection
    to the Windows clipboard. Default is enabled.
-refresh rate_in_Hz
    Specify an optional refresh rate to use in fullscreen mode
    with a DirectDraw engine.
-resize=none|scrollbars|randr In windowed mode, [don't] allow resizing of the window. 'scrollbars'
    mode gives the window scrollbars as needed, 'randr' mode uses the RANR
    extension to resize the X screen.  'randr' is the default.
    Run the server in rootless mode.
-screen scr_num [width height [x y] | [[WxH[+X+Y]][@m]] ]
    Enable screen scr_num and optionally specify a width and
    height and initial position for that screen. Additionally
    a monitor number can be specified to start the server on,
    at which point, all coordinates become relative to that
    monitor. Examples:
     -screen 0 800x600+100+100@2 ; 2nd monitor offset 100,100 size 800x600
     -screen 0 1024x768@3        ; 3rd monitor size 1024x768
     -screen 0 @1 ; on 1st monitor using its full resolution (the default)
    Disable the usage of the Windows cursor and use the X11 software
    cursor instead.
    Do not create a tray icon.  Default is to create one
    icon per screen.  You can globally disable tray icons with
    -notrayicon, then enable it for specific screens with
    -trayicon for those screens.
    Ctrl+Alt+Backspace exits the X Server.
    Enable the GLX extension to use the native Windows WGL interface for hardware-accelerated OpenGL
    Enable the GLX extension to use the native Windows WGL interface based on the swrast interface for accelerated OpenGL
    Alt+F4 exits the X Server.
-xkblayout XKBLayout
    Equivalent to XKBLayout in XF86Config files.
    For example: -xkblayout de
-xkbmodel XKBModel
    Equivalent to XKBModel in XF86Config files.
-xkboptions XKBOptions
    Equivalent to XKBOptions in XF86Config files.
-xkbrules XKBRules
    Equivalent to XKBRules in XF86Config files.
-xkbvariant XKBVariant
    Equivalent to XKBVariant in XF86Config files.
    For example: -xkbvariant nodeadkeys
(II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.

Using on VirtualBox Ubuntu Guest

libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

For Target in shortcut properties window:

"C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" :0 -ac -terminate -lesspointer -multiwindow -clipboard -nowgl