Table of Contents
Configure Flake8 howto
$ flake8 --ignore D203 \
--exclude .git,__pycache__,docs/source/conf.py,old,build,dist \
--max-complexity 10
You can configure default flake8 options on a dedicated section in setup.cfg
or tox.ini
ignore = D203
exclude = .git,__pycache__,docs/source/conf.py,old,build,dist
max-complexity = 10
List of flake8
options reference
flake8 --version
flake8 --help
flake8 --verbose
flake8 --quiet
flake8 --count
flake8 --diff
flake8 --exclude
flake8 --filename
flake8 --stdin-display-name
flake8 --format
flake8 --hang-closing
flake8 --ignore
flake8 --extend-ignore
flake8 --max-line-length
flake8 --select
flake8 --disable-noqa
flake8 --show-source
flake8 --statistics
flake8 --enable-extensions
flake8 --exit-zero
flake8 --install-hook
flake8 --jobs
flake8 --output-file
flake8 --tee
flake8 --append-config
flake8 --config
flake8 --isolated
flake8 --builtins
flake8 --doctests
flake8 --include-in-doctest
flake8 --exclude-from-doctest
flake8 --benchmark
flake8 --bug-report
flake8 --max-complexity