
Table of Contents


Sphinx Examples

I really like the :mod:`threading` module which has the
:class:`threading.Thread` class.

Here is a link :func:`time.time`.
Here is something I want to talk about::

    def my_fn(foo, bar=True):
        """A really useful function.

        Returns None
.. module:: useful_1
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: A useful module indeed.

.. moduleauthor:: Andrew Carter <>


def public_fn_with_googley_docstring(name, state=None):
    """This function does something.

       name (str):  The name to use.

       state (bool): Current state to be in.

       int.  The return code::

          0 -- Success!
          1 -- No good.
          2 -- Try again.

       AttributeError, KeyError

    A really great idea.  A way you might use me is

    >>> print public_fn_with_googley_docstring(name='foo', state=None)

    BTW, this always returns 0.  **NEVER** use with :class:`MyPublicClass`.

    return 0

def public_fn_with_sphinxy_docstring(name, state=None):
    """This function does something.

    :param name: The name to use.
    :type name: str.
    :param state: Current state to be in.
    :type state: bool.
    :returns:  int -- the return code.
    :raises: AttributeError, KeyError

    return 0

def public_fn_without_docstring():
    return True

def _private_fn_with_docstring(foo, bar='baz', foobarbas=None):
    """I have a docstring, but won't be imported if you just use ``:members:``.
    return None

class MyPublicClass(object):
    """We use this as a public class example class.

    You never call this class before calling :func:`public_fn_with_sphinxy_docstring`.

    .. note::

       An example of intersphinx is this: you **cannot** use :mod:`pickle` on this class.


    def __init__(self, foo, bar='baz'):
        """A really simple class.

           foo (str): We all know what foo does.

           bar (str): Really, same as foo.

        self._foo = foo
        self._bar = bar

    def get_foobar(self, foo, bar=True):
        """This gets the foobar

        This really should have a full function definition, but I am too lazy.

        >>> print get_foobar(10, 20)
        >>> print get_foobar('a', 'b')

        Isn't that what you want?

        return foo + bar

    def _get_baz(self, baz=None):
        """A private function to get baz.

        This really should have a full function definition, but I am too lazy.

        return baz

Specific syntax for variable docstring

#: docstring for x
x = 22
x = 22  #: docstring for x