Google Home

Table of Contents


To do this:  Say "Ok Google" or “Hey Google”, then...
Set new alarm "Set alarm for 6am tomorrow”
Set alarm with name “Set an alarm for 7 am called Medicine” 
Set recurring alarm "Set alarm for 7am every day of the week”
Ask about existing alarm "When is my alarm set for?”
“When is my Friday alarm?”  
"When is my medicine alarm?"
Ask about all alarms “What alarms are set?”
Cancel an existing alarm "Cancel my alarm"
"Cancel my medicine alarm”
Stop a ringing alarm


To control by touch:

  • Google Home - Tap the top.
  • Google Home Mini -  Tap either side.
  • Google Home Max - Tap the line on the top or right side. 
Snooze “Snooze for 10 minutes.” "Snooze"


To do this: Say "Ok Google" or "Hey Google," then...
Ask for current weather “What’s the weather?”
Note: This command will provide weather information for your Google Home device address
Ask for weather forecast for:
  • tomorrow
  • specific day
  • weekend
  • week
  • next xx days (choose between 1-10 days)

“What’s the weather tomorrow, specific day, weekend, for the next 4 days etc?”

“What will the weather be like between one day of the week and another day of the week?”

Note: This command will provide weather information for your Google Home device address

Ask specific questions about weather / forecast

“Is it going to rain tomorrow?”

“Is it sunny today?”

"Will I need an umbrella tomorrow?"

Note: This command will provide weather information for your Google Home device address

Ask specific question about  in a certain location for:

  • tomorrow
  • specific day
  • weekend
  • week
  • next xx days (choose between 1-10 days)

“Will it rain tomorrow in London?”

"What's the weather this weekend in Mountain View?"

Ask for general weather in a certain location “What’s the weather in London?”
Specify unit “What’s the weather in Celsius?”