Your VPC automatically comes with a main route table that you can modify.
You can create additional custom route tables for your VPC.
Each subnet must be associated with a route table, which controls the routing for the subnet.
You cannot delete the main route table, but you can replace the main route table with a custom table that you've created.
Each route in a table specifies a destination CIDR and a target.
Every route table contains a local route for communication within the VPC over IPv4.
When you add an Internet gateway, an egress-only Internet gateway, a virtual private gateway, a NAT device, a peering connection, or a VPC endpoint in your VPC, you must update the route table for any subnet that uses these gateways or connections.
There is a limit on the number of route tables you can create per VPC, and the number of routes you can add per route table.
We use the most specific route in your route table that matches the traffic to determine how to route the traffic (longest prefix match).